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Part B – 6.4 Mana Whenua o Ahuriri

The Draft City Wide Reserve Management Plan consultation is now closed.

Thank you for sharing your views on Napier's Draft City Wide Reserve Management Plan. Council hearings are scheduled for April 2025, and a decision will be made after careful consideration of your feedback.

Mana Whenua values  

Relationships with Mana Whenua can be strengthened through the development of Reserve Management Plans. Open spaces provide opportunities to celebrate narratives of Ahuriri history.

Consideration of how existing Mana Whenua values are to be maintained and enhanced and how new values are to be incorporated should be guided by the CWRMP and detailed in the individual and grouped reserve management plans. 

Learn more about Mana Whenua relationships in Part B – 6.4, and share your feedback with us.

Read the Draft City Wide Reserve Management Plan here

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