We have reviewed the fees and charges of all Council user-paid services for 2024/25. We do this each year to ensure we are recovering some operating costs through user pays. The standard increases are in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
As outlined earlier elsewhere in this consultation, we are facing increasing financial pressure from external challenges, such as rising costs, and internal challenges, such as the need to fund the repair of ageing infrastructure. We are therefore proposing increases that are greater than the CPI for some of our facilities and activities. This will help to ease this financial pressure and contribute to lower rates increases and Council’s overall financial sustainability.
Under this option, fees and charges will increase by a base 5.6%, in line with the Consumer Price Index.
We are proposing increases beyond this to parking fees. The proposed increase in parking fees will cover operating costs of the parking activity. Any surplus would go into our Parking Reserves Fund to potentially be used for projects related to redeveloping or improving city streetscapes.
Prices will also increase at a greater rate for Napier Conferences & Events, Ocean Spa, and Kennedy Park Resort. This is because these activities will move to a commercial operating model from 1 July 2024, with recovery of all operating costs through fees and charges. Any changes to fees and charges for these activities will have no impact on rates because we are proposing to support them with loan funding from 1 July. Visit A change to how we fund some tourist facilities page for more details on the loan funding proposal. You can also read more about the move to commercialise these activities on our 2023 business and tourism facilities review page.
Details on the full schedule of proposed fees and charges for 2024/25 can be found in our supporting documents here.
Under this option, fees and charges would increase by the base 5.6% only, without additional increases to some. As an example, we would not further increase parking fees beyond 5.6%.
With only a base increase to parking fees, there would not be sufficient funds that could potentially be used for projects related to redeveloping or improving city streetscapes.
More generally, this would result in less cost recovery and therefore rates would increase further. Affected services and activities would be limited in their ability to improve and broaden their levels of service.
Please provide your feedback in the form below before 5pm, Friday 26 April.
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