The Revenue & Financing Policy outlines our general policies on how we fund our operating and capital expenditure. We are proposing to make some changes to how certain services and activities are funded and want to know what you think.
The Revenue & Financing Policy outlines our general policies on how we fund our operating and capital expenditure. We are proposing to make some changes to how certain services and activities are funded. The reason for these proposed changes are to more accurately reflect how each activity recovers its operating costs.
Some services and activities are proposed to achieve greater cost recovery through fees and charges, and some are proposed to receive more funding through rates. We balance these two funding sources by considering each service or activity’s benefit to the overall community compared to any subset of the community.
You can read more about the proposed changes to fees and charges in our Three-Year Plan consultation here.
You can read the draft Revenue & Financing Policy here, or view a copy at our customer service centre, 215 Hastings Street or Napier or Taradale Library. A printable version of this information can be downloaded here. Please make your submission online below.
Take a look at the proposed options, and let us know what you think by completing the submission form below before 5pm, Friday 26 April.
Under this option, the policy would be a more accurate reflection of how our services and activities realistically recover their costs. Some activities have historically been unable to achieve the required cost recovery through fees and charges. The updated policy acknowledges this reality through decreasing the percentage of fees and charges they are expected to receive in 2024/25. Other activities will move to a commercial focus in 2024/25, meaning their cost recovery from fees and charges will increase, and their dependence on rates funding will decrease.
Under this option the way our services and activities recover their costs would remain the same.
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